Social responsibility
Human Care social responsibility program
Discover how we work with sustainability, outside our own organization’s borders, by supporting different charities.

Human Care donates more than 1 000 rollators to charities
During 2022, Human Care Group donated 1 047 rollators and 235 accessories to charities for onward transportation to people in need in vulnerable countries such as Ukraine, Mozambique, Kosovo, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Congo, and Romania. Transport has been arranged by several charities during the year, such as Human Bridge, Agape Foundation, and Resources Without Borders, where Human Care Group also contributed to the transport costs. About 30 rollators have also gone to the company’s customers who have organized their own collections and transports. The donated products are mainly rollators from the brand Leia (700 pcs), Fellow Supreme (244 pcs), and Carla (103 pcs), with accessories (235 pcs) such as oxygen holders, trays, and baskets. The market value of the donations is estimated at approximately SEK 3,250,000.
Press Release 2022-11-30 Human Care Donates over 1 000 rollatorsSome personal stories from the people that received the rollators….
Florian: Walking with the rollator during physiotherapi.
Florian Mihuț is 27 years old. In 2019 he had a motorcycle accident and acquired a spinal cord injury. He is now using a wheelchair for his everyday activities. He participated in independent living training programs developed by and now leads an active life. He is passionate about sports, and he keeps working to improve his mobility. He often goes to medical rehabilitation and dreams of walking again. He intensively uses the mobility equipment he received, both when he goes to the rehabilitation and at home during his daily programs of exercise. He is pleased to see himself standing and walking again –even if it is on short distances and with the assistance of a physiotherapist or a family member.
Lucreția: Improving mobility and general mode.
Lucreția Mitea is 75 years old and she lives with her family in Bihor County, Romaina. She was diagnosed with coxarthrosis in 2016, and since then, her condition has worsened, and her mobility has been limited. She used to be very sad because she could no longer participate in household activities as she did before. She had to spend most of her time in bed without appropriate mobility equipment. She did not like to ask others for help. The walking frame she received as a donation improved her mobility and general mood.
Alina: More effecient at work with improved self-esteem.
Alina Cosma is 42 years old, and she has been diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. She is a pediatrician, and she is very passionate about her work. This is why, when her disease advanced and her mobility was affected, even more, she was concerned about being able to do her job. She has the constant support of her husband. Still, going out shopping and going out for a walk became burdens for her. Mrs. Cosma was grateful for the Leia rollator. She uses the rollator daily, which is a real help for her. She is more effective at work, and her self-esteem increased.
Constanța: Able to walk out on her own.
Constanța Ivănuț is 65 years old, and she lives in Bucharest, Romainia. She has her mobility affected and reached out to the Motivation charity for support that gave her a Leia rollator from Human Care. Mrs. Ivănuț was very happy with this and used the rollator to break isolation and stay active. This is her message of gratitude:
“Thank you for allowing me to go out on my own. I even managed to go to the hairdresser because it is on the ground floor of a block. I can walk with my rollator until I reach the next block of flats nearby. Often, my left knee and my wrists give in, and when this happens, I sit carefully on the resting area. I rest for a few moments,and then I start again. I am delighted and grateful for the rollator.”

Human Care donates rollators for 1,3 MSEK
Human Care decided 2022 to develop its social responsibility program to include more aid and charity organizations. Human Bridge started in 2001 and has a developed logistical network where they assist hospitals and care facilities in vulnerable areas and developing countries with medical equipment. So far this year, Human Bridge has sent around 40 aid shipments, of which 18 to Ukraine, 3 to Moldova as well as to several other destinations in Eastern Europe and Africa.
The first donation to Human Bridge consists of 446 rollators of the Leila brand and includes several different sizes and colors. The rollators are completely new and unused and are delivered in their original packaging. The market value of the donation corresponds to 1,351,000 SEK. The donated rollators will now be stored at Human Bridge’s warehouse in sothern parts of Sweden for further transport in various aid consignments.
Read more about Human Bridge here.

Social Impact Report 2021
Human Care owner, Applied Value Group, has collected all social responsibility activities during 2021 in the “Social Impact Report 2021”. The report highlights several charity organizations that received financial support and other initiatives conducted by Applied Value Group and its affiliates. As 2022 unfolds, the group remains committed to the promise to leverage conscience, creativity, and competencies to push the frontiers of social impact.
- More than $3.1M in contributions.
- 3 660 hours of volunteering.
- 210 entrepreneurs in Tanzania benefited from unlocked credit with a cumulative loan value of $117, 000
Read the full report here.

Resources without Borders – Help to self-help
Human Care Group supports the charity organization Resources without Borders with products, funding for shipment and knowledge sharing.
Resources without Borders is a Swedish organization that delivers donated medical aids and other resources to countries with greater needs. The organization arranges shipment and safe travel of goods, and make sure to deliver them to the right people and institutions, where they also supply knowledge and training in how to use all donated resources.
The latest donation of rollators went to healthcare institutions in Mozambique.
To support them and read more about Resources without Borders, please visit their webpage here.

Hand in Hand – Fighting poverty with entrepreneurship
Human Care Group supports the charity organization Hand in Hand that focus on finding a sustainable way out of poverty for women and youths. Hand in Hand is active in Afghanistan, Cambodia, India, Kenya, Namibia, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe, with fundraising and program support in Sweden and the United Kingdom.
They nurture the creation of more than 1,000 jobs a day, seven days a week. That’s more than 350,000 jobs a year.
- Jobs help break the cycle of poverty. They help entrepreneurs create their own success.
- When women, who make up more than 90% of Hand in Hand’s entrepreneurs, are better educated and make up a greater part of the labour force, a country’s GDP is substantially improved.
- An average of five family members benefit from every job help our entrepreneurs. That’s more children in school, and more parents with the ability to put healthy food on the table and seek healthcare in time.
Women’s economic empowerment. The women they work with face many challenges – poverty, lack of education, gender discrimination. By the time they graduate from Hand in Hand’s support, they are stronger and more confident. When they start to earn money, they improve their position and influence in the family and society. Supporting women to come together also gives them a stronger voice and a better chance of claiming their rights.
Empowering youth. In countries where youth unemployment is growing at alarming rates, and where the consequences of climate change are acutely felt daily, the aim of Hand in Hand’s work is simple: To raise the status of self-employment among young people and unlock the path to success through sustainable and resilient entrepreneurship.
As one of the founders, Percy Barnevik, puts it: “Our model, help to self-help, puts people’s destinies in their own hands. You train them, you coach them, but they decide for themselves about the future”.
For us at Human Care Group this goes very well on how we look at life: Your life. Your Way.
To support them and read more about Hand in Hand, please visit their webpage here.
Suicide Zero – fighting stigma with knowledge
Suicide Zero is a non-profit organization that has been working since 2013 to radically reduce suicides. Suicide Zero’s vision is a society without suicide. The knowledge to achieve the vision exists, but it must become widely known and spread in society to have a greater impact.
There is a lot of taboo, ignorance, fear and stigma around suicide and mental illness. Suicide Zero work to increase the knowledge of politicians, journalists, health and medical staff and the general public. This I done by lobbying, debate articles in media, training and lectures for various professional groups.
Read more (Swedish website – please use the translate function in your web browser)