Manual Transfer Aids
Through our company Petermann, Human Care offers a wide range of manual transfer aids. Our common portfolio includes everything from sliding board, sliding mats, support belts, sliding sheets, evacuation sheets and much more. This page will be updated shortly, but until then we recommend that you visit Petermann’s website for detailed information about the products available.
Manual Transfers in patient handling situations
In 2021 Human Care Group acquired a German company with expertise in manual transfers. The Petermann company with its excellence in patient handling has enabled us at Human Care to also provide our customers with these products.
Our patient handling portfolio covers a wide range of manual transfers, from belts, mats, sliding boards and positions aids to transfer aids and raising aids. These all function in different ways to help both clients and caregivers in their day to day life. Some products are made for more dependent clients and some products are made for more independent clients.
As examples we can see these types of products be used in homecare, low intensity hospital departments and by the clients themselves in day to day activities. Here below we will provide a few examples from our portfolio.
Alpha Support Belt
The Alpha Support Belt is used when raising and/or transferring clients in home care, other health care facilities and hospitals. It is a safe transfer aid, which allows for a pleasant and comfortable transfer for the client and being back friendly for the caregiver.

Alpha Chair Sliding Mat
The Chair Sliding Mat can be used to return patients to a stable sitting position. Depending on the circumstances, the client can place themselves in a stable position independently or with assistance.

Alpha Rolling Board vision
The Rollboard Vision is particularly well suited to gentle, pain-free and low-friction sideways transfers of people with restricted mobility as well as obese people. In particular, bumps or gaps which occur when two support surfaces are placed next to one another can be bridged. The transfer of recumbent persons can be supported in emergency situations, in order to minimise patient movement when a diagnosis isn’t available yet.

Alpha Footstool and cover
The Alpha Footstool provides a stable supporting surface for the feet, facilitates a higher knee position and reduces pressure on the thighs. It is used to bridge heigth differences. Smaller people in particular can require this support during transfers and toilet visit, so that safe mobilisation is possible for the client and the caregiver. Adding the Footstool Cover makes the product easier to bring with you as well as store close by on a hanger. Moreover the cover makes the product more hygienic and easy to clean – simply wipe off the cover with cleaning solution and use again.

Alpha Transfer Aid Merlin and Merlin Belt
Alpha Transfer Aid Merlin is a simple and safe aid for assisting people with restricted mobility to stand up and change position. It enables caregivers to transfer clients in an easier, energy-saving and back-friendly manner and it can also mobilise the remaining strength in the client’s arms and legs, if applicable, and give them a feeling of security. The use of high-quality, rust-free stainless steel also allows maximum stability even in humid environments.

Turntable soft
When clients have issues turning in bed, they might not entirely need a caregiver but instead want to increase their independence. The Alpha Turning Disc Soft is a simple aid that clients can have at home and could alter the live in great ways.
The product can be used under the client on a chair, in a bed or even on the car seat as it makes it makes possible for client to turn sideways without much strength.

Alpga Stand-up Aid Pegasus
The Pegasus is a lightweight easy product to use when or if a client where to fall. The client would typically have a Pegasus Stand-up Aid at home. If they were to fall the client simply gets themselves to the Pegasus, put in the crank and get the product up high enough for them to be able to stand. The height that the Pegasus reaches is 42 centimeters.

The Flexi Board Oval
Manual transfer product for at home use can have huge capacities of changing our clients’ lives. The Flexi board oval is one of those products. The client can use them to freely move around with this transfer aid, for instance from bed to chair or from chair to bed. Simple and intuitive they are made to be a bridge that clients simply slide on.