Walking Aids
The rollator is a mobility aid that greatly enhances the user’s autonomy. The rollator allows people of reduced strength and balance a social life – as well as exercise, improving blood circulation and general health. The rollator gives support and relief during a walk – as well as serving as a seat when the user needs a rest.
By allowing the users to decide themselves when to go out or to socialize, the rollator greatly enhances the users’ self-esteem and quality of life. Thus, the rollator – directly and specifically – contributes to the strengthening of public health by allowing people to live life their way.
Today, our product range encompasses more than 30 different rollator models: indoor, outdoor, trolleys, RA walking tables – as well as a wide range of accessories that meet all user demands.
Human Care Walking Aids for every need
At Human Care we value all our client’s independence. Independence in being able to freely move around in society brings confidence and strength to people. With our walking aids we aim to help all people with walking aid needs. If they are having issues with health or if they are simply aging – we are here to supply them with any Rollators, RA-rollators, and Trolley Walkers that they might need, and we are proud to do it.
Our Rollator assortment
If a client needs to be able to walk with stability and security in an urban environment, we have rollators such as Rebel and Carl-Oskar with big wheels that can assist them in even the roughest streets. The Carl-Oskar is our most popular rollator worldwide and it comes in many sizes.
If a client needs a rollator that is perhaps a little smaller and better for use inside the client’s home, we can offer the Parade or the Fellow Classic and Fellow Supreme.
We are also proud to offer the neXus One and neXus 3. These two rollators are made with beautiful design and innovative applications such as comfortable cushions and backstraps. Their X-frame platform make them able to stand on their own, easy to tuck away. Nexus one and Nexus 3 can make our clients lives easier inside as well as outside.

Our RA-Rollators made to improve life in tougher times
Having Rheumatoid Arthritis can be a life altering experience the disease can affect anyone and often includes pain in limbs, stiffness, and issues moving independently. However, with a walking aid such as one of our RA-rollators life quality can dramatically change for the better.
Our RA-Rollators are modified walking aids that can hold up and support a standing person who needs aid in walking. The adjustable hand holders are made to simplify use, hand brakes are put in place to ease stability while standing still and the constructed steel frame helps the clients feel supported when walking.
Carl-Oskar RA, Rebel-RA, Staffan-RA differ in their sizes and in their frames.
Visit the RA-site for more information:Trolley walkers or walking tables
When people need help walking, they might get a rollator, but some of our clients have greater needs than a rollator. They might even need support being held up, they might need handles higher up that can help users maneuver the rollator, then they might get on of our RA-Rollators. However, if the client has even more pain or difficulties finding stability, they might need something to lean on completely. Our Trolley Walkers are designed exactly for this. With their sturdy steel frame and their soft cushioned front table, they help clients who are suffering in pain to lean in and still move around freely inside, and outside.
Where our RA-Rollators have handles parallel to the body’s width, our Trolley Walkers have front facing handles placed on the middle of the tables so that the natural leaning position with tilted arms will feel as comfortable as possible for the end user. Bild TW: URL. The wheels are large ball-bearing to ensure safe mobility for even the most sensitive users on all kinds of surfaces.
Trolley Walker home page here: